Make a referral
Most referrals to the Hearing Support Team (HST) come directly from Audiology and ENT. However, schools, Early Years settings, professionals and families in Swindon can refer directly if they have concerns. All referrals must include signed parental permission and the child or young person’s most recent audiogram.
The pupil must be using audiological equipment (for example, hearing aid, cochlear implant) to support a hearing loss diagnosed by audiology/ENT.
To refer
Post or e-mail a completed copy of the HST initial referral form. The contact details are on the form. Please ensure referrals include signed parental consent to share medical/audiological information with our service and other necessary professionals.
Referrals must be accompanied by an up-to-date audiogram.
If the referral meets criteria for support by the HST, the child or young person will be allocated an Advisory Teacher of the Deaf. The Advisory Teacher of the Deaf will contact the family and school within five working days to arrange an initial assessment. This will be completed within three working weeks from referral and may be carried out either at home, educatonal setting or a combination of both. Following assessment, a written report will be made available within ten working days .
Support subsequent to assessment will be determined using the NatSIP (National Associate of Teachers for Sensory Impairment) eligibility framework, which determines an appropriate support pattern based on the child or young person's need. Support frequency can range from ‘on request’, an annual visit, termly, monthly, weekly or more depending on need.
A child or young person with glue ear does not meet the criteria for HST support as they are not aided. Please ask if you would like further information, as we do have resources and information available.
For more information, please contact the HST team.