The Hearing Support Team is commissioned by the local authority, which is Swindon Borough Council.
We are a team of Advisory Teachers of the Deaf who have qualifications in teaching deaf children and young people and have many years of experience between us.
We are subject to an annual review by the local authority at the end of every academic year. We may also be involved in any CQC/Ofsted local area review of SEND services in Swindon.
Our role is to support Swindon's deaf children and young people to reach their potential and achieve their aspirations socially, emotionally, academically and in every area of their life. We aim to do this by empowering their families, educational settings and other professionals through collaborative working.
We support deaf children and young people aged between 0-25, their families, and educational settings within the borough of Swindon. This includes supporting children and young people with the use of hearing aids or cochlear implants. We also offer information and advice on hearing effectively for learning, for all schools and educational settings.
A referral to the Senior Advisory Teacher needs to be made in order for their eligibility to be checked. If they meet the criteria, they will be allocated to an Advisory Teacher.
Most referrals come directly from Audiology and ENT. However, schools, Early Years settings, professionals and families in Swindon can refer directly if they have concerns. All referrals must include signed parental permission and the child or young person’s most recent audiogram.
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