Volunteer with Live Well Swindon

About this form

Use this form to register your interest in a volunteering opportunity with Live Well Swindon.

For more information on Live Well Swindon's many flexible volunteering opportunities, please visit our website.

Form requirements

In order to complete this form you will need: 

  • Your contact information and additional information including why you would like to volunteer and some of your preferences. If under the age of 18, parent/guardian information and consent
  • Names and addresses of two referees who have known you for at least a year, and who are not directly related to you through blood or marriage
  • Permission from your referees for their details to be used and for Swindon Borough Council to make contact with them
  • Names and contact information of two people who will act as your Emergency Contact in the event of an emergency
  • Permission from your emergency contacts for their details to be used and for Swindon Borough Council to make contact with them
  • Details of any criminal convictions

​​If you have any questions about completing this form, please contact us at volunteer@swindon.gov.uk

Privacy Notice

By completing the following form, you confirm you have read and understood our Privacy Notice, which outlines how we intend to use your personal data.

Please read the Privacy Notice before continuing
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