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Learning and Skills

For Schools, Colleges and Training Providers...

Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge: ASK Project

The Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge (ASK) Project is funded by the National Apprenticeship Service, part of the Department for Education, and delivered in the Swindon area by the Gloucester and Wiltshire Partnership.  The service offers free services to schools and colleges for students aged 15-19 to increase their awareness and understanding of apprenticeships.

The project aim is to work with teachers, careers advisers, parents and governors, alongside other key partners, to support schools and ensure that they meet their statutory duties regarding the provision of impartial IAG, specifically in relation to apprenticeships and traineeships.

Schools and colleges can access the following activities for free:

•Assembly presentations

•Digital Broadcasts

•Find an Apprenticeship registration workshop

•Apprenticeship application workshop

•Mock assessment sessions

•Careers fair attendance with resources

•Parents events

•Teacher CPD sessions

•Employer hosted events

For more information please go to:



The Brilliant Club    

TBC logo


The Brilliant Club is an award-winning charity that works with universities and schools across the UK towards fair access to higher education for pupils from underrepresented backgrounds. An independent analysis by UCAS, using a control group study, finds that pupils who take part in The Brilliant Club’s Scholars Programme are significantly more likely to progress to a highly-selective university.

The Scholars Programme gives pupils an experience of both the physical and intellectual environment of university, to support them develop the knowledge, skills and ambition to make successful applications to highly-selective universities. In 2018-19, over 13,000 pupils from Y5-Y12, across more than 700 schools, have taken part in the programme. With increasing work in the South West, there is now the opportunity for schools in Swindon and Wiltshire to find out more about the programme and enrol groups for 2019-20 here.

Pupils enrolled on The Scholars Programme work with a PhD researcher on a university-style module based on the researcher's unique expertise. The programmes are pitched at a Key Stage above where pupils are currently studying and are designed to develop pupils' written and verbal communication, critical thinking and metacognition through exciting, supra-curricular content. At the same time, pupils develop an understanding of the kinds of things you can study at university and how the learning style differs from school.



Recent courses studied by pupils in the South West of England include “Artificial Intelligence - What is it? How does it work? What can it do?” with a researcher from the University of Oxford, and “Outwitted by an Octopus? Complex cognition across the tree of life” with a researcher from the University of Exeter. Examples of work produced by pupils with their PhD tutor can be found in The Scholar journal.

Book-ending this study with their PhD tutor, pupils visit two highly-selective universities to launch and graduate from the programme, giving the opportunity to meet current students and get a taste of life on campus; receive information, advice and guidance from the university; and, take part in academic work and skill development.


Get help with your Y5/Y6 ICT curriculum with Digital Schoolhouse

The Digital Schoolhouse (DSH) programme has gained national recognition for its pioneering initiatives in the teaching of ICT and Computer Science to primary school pupils and the wider public audience. 

New College Swindon is  a DSH and works with a network of primary schools to deliver creative and cross-curricular computing lessons. 

If you work in a primary school and would like to be involved, please email .


Great Western Hospital Careers Hub

The Great Western Hospital Careers Hub was founded in 2017 by Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, as part of a project funded by Health Education England to help young people in the area aspire to a rewarding long-term career path and provide them with the right information to make better career choices, especially in health and social care. 
The Hub brings together teachers and careers advisers from across Swindon with local employers, councils and authorities to collaborate and confer so that they can provide relevant, up to date careers opportunities and information and the best careers advice and guidance to students and parents.  
The Careers Hub seeks to create a network of Advocates which recognises the value in sharing information, ideas and best practice and is supported by an invaluable team of partners who are integral to its success. 

Robinson College

Robinson College - University of Cambridge Outreach Opportunities

Robinson College is one of the 31 colleges which make up the University of Cambridge and provides a variety of workshops and events for students of all ages in order to raise awareness of and participation in Higher Education.

In particular, they are able to deliver sessions designed to raise aspirations and inform students of the benefits of gaining a degree from highly selective and research intensive universities. Workshops can be held either in schools or as part of a visit to the University of Cambridge, with transport costs covered for all state and local authority funded institutions.

The College also offer a variety of events throughout the year, such as annual Subject Masterclasses, Residential Events and Women in Science Festival, designed to give sixth formers a chance to learn more about their subject outside of school and a greater taste of university life.

Please contact for more information or to be added to the College mailing list in order to receive regular updates of events in your area or in Cambridge.



Scholars Programme

Find out more about the opportunities the Scholars Programme offers here:



This link gives access to contact details  for Schools and Academies 

Study Higher

Study Higher


Study Higher is a partnership of universities, FE colleges, and other stakeholders working together to provide young people in Swindon with high quality impartial advice and guidance about educational opportunities. Study Higher has a team of Higher Education Liaison Officers (HELOs) who support local schools in the area, along with students and parents/carers.
Twitter: @StudyHigherSwin  

University of the West of England - Support for Schools & Colleges 


UWE Bristol


UWE Bristol provide a range of events and activities for schools and colleges to raise aspirations, attainment and awareness of higher education which can help support your institution to achieve Gatsby Benchmark No. 7, Encounters with Further and Higher Education. 

Please contact for further information.


Work Ready


Work Ready


Work Ready improves the employability of young people so that they can secure an apprenticeship or move on to higher education with the skills needed to succeed. All training is delivered in an interactive format and is offered completely free of charge to partner schools and colleges.

Work Ready produce employability modules which focus on key soft skills such as confidence, communication and leadership. These modules provide key training in a bitesize, video rich format and offer students CPD certification upon completion. They sit within micro websites that are tailored to a school or college’s needs, feature their branding and link students with work experience and apprenticeship opportunities from employer partners.

Free lesson resources are available for our partners. These include ready-made presentations, lesson plans, workbooks and mark schemes. Lesson resources enable partners to deliver careers training without any extra work!


Work Ready School


Resources are completely free for partner schools and colleges and are a fantastic way of meeting the Gatsby Benchmark criteria. To find out more about Work Ready or to request a sample, call 0207 622 9399 or email

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Introduction video: