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Learning and Skills

For Parents...

This link will take you to a list of all Swindon Schools and Academies: 

Schools and Academies 


Amazing Apprenticeships:  Parent Information on Apprenticeships 

Amazing Apprenticeships are here to help educators, employers and students navigate the fast-changing world of apprenticeships.  Their partners deliver the ASK (apprenticeship support and knowledge) program to schools and college across the county designed to inform and inspire England’s students about apprenticeships on behalf of the National Apprenticeship Service.

The ASK project offers bespoke support packages for schools and colleges who want to increase awareness of apprenticeships.  They now have a Parents' Pack which is full of resources aimed at helping parents understand the benefits of apprenticeships, including translated resources, dates for your diary and 6 ways to keep informed.

To find out more about the Parents’ Pack, follow this link:  Parents' Pack


Careermag: Quality advice and guidance for parents

Careermag for Parents by Careermap in conjunction with PiXL aims to connect students and their parents to quality advice and guidance. Some of the features include:

•           Top tips for parents
•           What does diversity mean to you?
•           Creative careers, creative thinking
•           Gender and social stereotyping
•           Myth busting careers
•           Apprenticeship opportunities
•           Financing university

Subscribe and download Careermag for Parents below.
If your organisation has a resources page you can link to Careermag for Parents. Please use this link:


Parenting Support

The following links are there to support you with your children, 0-5, including courses to help you get creative:

School Readiness:

Ready, steady, Go Flyer

Swindon Flyer - Key Messages

Swindon Stories

Parenting Courses

You can access these for free, if you meet the eligibility criteria.


Family Reading