Learning and Skills
Bursaries and Grants
The Open University Carers Scholarships Fund
At least three out of every five of us in the UK will be a carer at some point in our lives. So the chances are that you may already be caring for someone yourself, or certainly know another person close to you who is either receiving or giving care.
The Fund, a one year pilot, will support the equivalent* of 50 undergraduate/postgraduate full fee-waiver scholarships. To ensure young carers are encouraged to apply we will ring-fence at least 15 scholarships for those in the 18-28 age group.
*Not all students will choose to study a full degree so student numbers could increase. The OU also offers Access Modules, Certificates of Higher Education and Diplomas of Higher Education
Full details of the Carers Scholarships Fund, including eligibility criteria, terms and conditions and applications will be available when registration opens for courses starting in 2020/21, in spring 2020. Please keep checking our website for updates.
The Swindon and Wiltshire Community Training Grants
The Swindon and Wiltshire Community Training Grants support those furthest from the labour market, targeting the economically inactive. Successful applicants will move individuals either into employment, or establish a route towards employment, by helping individuals through education and training opportunities, advice, guidance and information.
The call for applications for grants is open, with full details, guidance and prospectus available from Groundwork.
Applications for grants can come from social enterprises, community and voluntary groups, charities and small businesses. They should seek to complement the Building Bridges programme and aim to provide support to people whilst meeting the local priorities for help with:
- Enterprise support services to tackle financial exclusion
- Establishing routes towards and into work with employers
- Promoting inclusion through learning and volunteering