Right to buy your council home

Changes to Right to Buy legislation

On 19 September, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government updated the Right to Buy.

View the summary booklet for tenants interested in taking up their Right to Buy, to reflect new maximum discount levels from 21 November 2024.

The booklet provides an overview of eligibility criteria, discount levels, the application process, how to take the next steps, and useful contacts for free, unbiased advice, including the Right to Buy Agent service.

Right to Buy is a nationwide home ownership scheme that gives secure council tenants an opportunity to buy their home at a discounted price.

The links below provide more information on the Right to Buy scheme:

As part of the Right To Buy process all applicants are required to provide original documentary evidence in order to prove their identity, right to be in the UK and residency (proof of address). All applicants are required to attend the appointment.

Applicants that have a joint tenancy where one party does not wish to purchase, are still required to attend the first meeting and provide original documentary evidence of identity, a right to be in the UK and residency.

We are required to protect the public funds they administer and so may use the information applicants provide for the prevention and detection of fraud.

Applications will not be processed if the evidence provided is not original, contains errors, has expired or is not a complete document, for example, where pages are missing.

Evidence submitted in all sections must contain current information, be in date and original documents. Where documents are presented in a different language, the original document must be submitted with a certified English translation.

Section A – confirming identity

  • Applicants must provide two identity documents, one of which must contain a photo of the applicant
  • Where applicants supply a birth certificate, but their birth name/surname has changed, they must also provide additional evidence to prove and trace name change. For example, a marriage certificate, deed poll document or divorce proceedings document.
  • If the applicant only holds one form of identity as above, they will need to contact the Right To Buy team concerning identity countersigning procedure guidelines

Section B – proof of address

  • Tenant applicants must provide two proofs of address documents, which have been issued within the last three months of your Right To Buy appointment date
  • Family members that are not listed tenants, must provide two documents, both proving 12 months residency at the address. These documents must also be issued for the 12 month period prior to your appointment date.

We will not accept documents issued by Swindon Borough Council due to verifying the applicant’s residency independently through other organisations. For example, utility suppliers, banks or insurance providers.

The documents supplied in this section must reflect the applicant’s residency at the address as their main and principle home, it must be evidence relating to the property.

We will not accept documents issued by the NHS or any other type of health related document.

Evidence submitted must contain all pages of the documents, for example, if it states ‘1 of 4’ pages or reference to additional documents attached, we need all pages and attachments. It is not considered a complete and valid document otherwise and will not be accepted for the RTB application.

Proof of address documents are as follows:

  • Passport (UK or EEA)
  • Driving Licence
  • Birth Certificate
  • UK Citizen Card from the Police
  • Residence Permit and relevant documents issued by the Home Office
  • Bank statements (must include transaction pages and not accepted: ‘summary of’ / ‘charges on’ account letters or credit card statements)
  • Utility statement (water, gas, electricity, landline phone - must include usage breakdown on statement. Mobile phone related documents are not accepted)
  • Property insurance (buildings or contents insurance – must include policy certificate)
  • Vehicle insurance (must include policy certificate)
  • Wage slips or Universal Credit payment statement
  • HMRC Tax Document (tax assessment or statement of account)
  • Pension statement (issued by the government, employer or Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPPs)

When you are sure you have all the relevant information, you can complete the following form:

Right to Buy online application

  • Remember to complete all relevant sections
  • Download a copy of your completed form
  • Print, sign and date the form

As part of the Right to Buy process, we are required to check and verify the information contained in this Right to Buy application form.

We do this through personal interviews, visits and examination, and from other sources including credit reference agencies, Council tax, Housing Benefit, Department of Work and Pensions, and housing records from other Housing Authorities.

If you are unable to complete the online form you can email at RTB@swindon.gov.uk to request a paper copy be sent to you by post.

The easiest way to send your completed application form is by using the online form below.

Right to Buy application upload (RTB1)

You can also return completed forms to us by email at RTB@swindon.gov.uk or post to Civic Offices, Euclid Street Swindon SN1 2JH.

All applicants must attend an in-person appointment with the Right to Buy team and a Fraud Officer at Swindon Borough Council as part of the application process.

The Right to Buy team will contact you to make an appointment when you will need to bring in your supporting documents. Appointments are held on Wednesdays at Civic Offices, Euclid Street Swindon SN1 2JH.

All applicants must attend.

Further information

Free advice and assistance is available by contacting a Right to Buy Officer on 07766 368206 or 07971 716297.

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