Swindon neighbours receive a Royal surprise at Coronation Big Lunch street party

Excited neighbours were delighted to welcome two surprise guests to their street party this afternoon (7 May) when HRH The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence joined their Coronation celebrations.

Published: Sunday, 7th May 2023

Big Lunch

Residents in Belmont Crescent, Old Town, could not believe their eyes when the Royal visitors popped by to join their Big Lunch street party which, like many across Wiltshire, was being held to mark the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.

HRH The Princess Royal and Sir Tim were received and greeted by HM Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire, Mrs Sarah Troughton, at the special celebration and were introduced to local dignitaries including the High Sheriff of Wiltshire, Mr Pradeep Bhardwaj and The Mayor of Swindon, Councillor Abdul Amin.

Jeremy Holt, local resident and member of the organising committee, then introduced Her Royal Highness and her husband to the committee responsible for organising the street party, before the couple met dozens of residents and guests.

There was also a special surprise for children in attendance when they were presented with a commemorative tin by Her Royal Highness as a memento of the day they will never forget.

Adorned with the Coronation logo on the outside, the tins contained text explaining when and where they were presented as well as a collection of British and foreign coins and bank notes.

Nine-year-old Olivia Battye and her 14-year-old sister Sophie then presented Her Royal Highness with a posy of flowers.

HM Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire, Mrs Sarah Troughton, said: “It was a pleasure and an honour to welcome Her Royal Highness to Swindon and we were so pleased that she could enjoy a Big Lunch with the friends and neighbours of Belmont Crescent.”

Mayor of Swindon, Councillor Abdul Amin, said: “We were delighted to welcome Her Royal Highness to Swindon on such a momentous occasion for the country.

“The surprise on the faces of all those present when they saw the Royal visitors was something to behold and provided memories which will be treasured for years to come. I am immensely proud that Swindon has its own unique link to the Coronation on this historic weekend to celebrate our new King.”

Jeremy Holt, member of the organising committee for the Big Lunch street party, said: “I am in awe of the number of official engagements that Her Royal Highness performs each year. I was also particularly impressed that, as this was a sharing lunch, she brought with her a personal contribution of food to the lunch.”

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