Statement on Ukraine from Leader of the Council
Statement from Councillor David Renard, Leader of the Council
Published: Wednesday, 16th March 2022

Swindon Council is immensely troubled by the horrific devastation and illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, and the escalating humanitarian crisis facing the Country.
As a democratic body, we are appalled by what we have seen unfold over recent weeks – horrors of which we all hoped we would never see on our continent again.
We applaud countries across the world who have come out to condemn and sanction the Russian regime and President Putin’s leadership.
We are proud that our country has been one of the leaders in condemning Russia and has implemented the most severe economic sanctions in history. We are also proud of the £220 million the UK has sent to Ukraine in humanitarian aid.
In light of this, and as a way of expressing support for members of our communities who are from or who have ties with Ukraine
This Council;
a. Condemns the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine and stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and their families and friends, including those local to Swindon.
b. Stands ready to provide support to those affected by this War and will open our arms to people displaced and affected.
c. Will work with and support the efforts of our local communities to provide help and comfort to those in need.
Swindon has a proud tradition of welcoming those fleeing from war zones or oppressive regimes and we welcome the government’s plans to offer sanctuary to Ukrainians and we are making arrangements to help resettle anyone who comes to live in Swindon. We are working with our voluntary partners to help manage the donations and provide support where we can.
Finally, this council extends its thoughts and prayers to members of the Swindon Ukrainian community and pays tribute to the incredible generosity the people of Swindon have shown in their personal efforts to support the humanitarian response to this crisis.
The council has a proud history of supporting refugees who are facing intimidation
The easiest and most effective way to support the humanitarian situation in Ukraine is to make a donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine appeal. The UK Government has also said that it will match every £ donated:
Homes for Ukraine scheme
This bespoke scheme will offer a route to those who want to come to the UK who have someone here willing to provide them with a home. It will enable individuals, charities, community groups and businesses to volunteer accommodation and provide a route to safety for Ukrainians, and their immediate family members, forced to escape their homeland.
Sponsors should provide accommodation for as long as they are able, but there is a minimum expectation of 6 months: