Special awards ceremony will recognise excellence in teaching

Teachers from schools across Swindon are to be recognised for their hard work and dedication in this year’s annual Education Excellence Awards.

Published: Monday, 16th July 2018

Held at the Marriott, Piper’s Way, next Thursday (July 19), the awards ceremony will see inspirational teachers and first-rate schools held up as beacons of brilliance. 

A number of Excellence Awards and Healthy Schools Awards will be presented to the top performers and there will be a guest appearance from British novelist Jasper Fforde, for whom Swindon is a major inspiration.

The Mayor of Swindon, Cllr Junab Ali, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Cllr Mary Martin, and David Jones, National Education Manager for Zurich Municipal, will also be among the guests.

Cllr Mary Martin said: “There is so much fantastic work being done in schools right across the town and these awards are a brilliant way of recognising these notable achievements.

“It’s vitally important that the hard work being done to increase standards of education does not go unnoticed and I am looking forward to being given the chance to say a big thank you to everybody involved.

“I would also like to offer a sincere thank you to Zurich Municipal and all our supporters and sponsors for helping us host what promises to be a very special night for education in Swindon.”

There will be awards in recognition of pupil progress, good practice within schools, school achievement, school support and a category designed for headteachers who have made a special contribution to education in Swindon.

The Swindon Tuition Centre has kindly sponsored this year’s Pupil Progress Award, which recognises the educational improvements schools have made.

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