Council statement regarding primary school closures
The Government has issued very clear advice that primary schools in Swindon should reopen this week following the Christmas holidays and our schools are working very hard to achieve this.
Published: Monday, 4th January 2021

However, we recognise that for some schools there may be operational challenges in immediately reopening for the new term and we are working closely with our headteachers to support them as much as we can so that Swindon’s primary schools can reopen safely for staff and pupils.
Some headteachers have taken the very difficult decision to remain closed today and they have contacted parents directly about the arrangements they have put in place to ensure pupils’ learning can continue.
The Council is providing schools with as much help and support as they need.
Councillor Russell Holland, Deputy Leader of Swindon Borough Council and the Cabinet Member responsible for Education, said: “I would like to thank all teachers, support staff, parents, children and governors for all of their very hard work during a very difficult time. The Council has been working very closely with all school staff to provide support.
“Everyone is agreed that the best place for children to learn is at school, within a safe environment. The Government has access to the very best scientific advice and, therefore, that advice should be followed.
“Where there are individual concerns from staff or parents it is important to seek to resolve those concerns in a pragmatic way. The Council will continue to do everything possible to support schools in providing education to our children.
“This is a situation where everyone needs to come together to understand the concerns and support each other in finding solutions.”