Council to upgrade Marlborough Road with new cycle lanes
Cycle lanes are to be installed on Marlborough Road to make it easier for people to get around Swindon on two wheels.
Published: Friday, 23rd October 2020

From Monday, 26 October to Friday, 30 October, Swindon Borough Council will be installing advisory cycle lanes on Marlborough Road between the junction at Signal Way and Coate Water roundabout.
Advisory cycle lanes are marked with a broken or dashed white line. They advise motorists not to drive or park in them, but it is not an offence to do so.
The changes, which make up part of the Government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund, will see the introduction of cycle lanes along both sides of Marlborough Road. The lanes will be narrowed for other vehicles and white lines will be painted to indicate the location of the cycle lane. Further changes will also be made to the road markings at junctions and in the centre of the road.
The works will be carried out between 8pm and 6am, but may over run slightly if circumstances require.
Improving the cycle network across Swindon is a key part of the Council’s sustainable transport strategy, and the Marlborough Road scheme will be monitored by Council officers who can make changes if necessary.
There will be no change to existing parking restrictions on Marlborough Road, or to the ability of residents to access their driveways to properties.
Councillor Maureen Penny, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Maintenance and Waste Services, said: “I am delighted to be able to bring this improvement scheme forward. Once complete, it should make a real positive difference to cyclists in Swindon.
“The workforce will maintain pedestrian access while the changes are being made. However, due to the nature of the work, some disruption is possible, so I would kindly ask people to bear with us next week."