Next milestone reached for £25m investment plan
Experts from across the public, private and voluntary sector in Swindon have selected seven projects which will seek to earn a share of £25m in government funding.
Published: Monday, 27th July 2020

Last year, Swindon was selected as one of 101 places which were given the opportunity by the Government to bid for funding of up to £25 million as part of the £3.6 billion Towns Fund.
The independent Swindon Town Deal Board was brought together in response to Swindon being successfully shortlisted and has worked at pace to develop a draft Town Investment Plan.
Local organisations were also given the opportunity last month to submit project proposals which the Board then considered.
The final list of projects has now been compiled and is set to be submitted to Government at the end of this month.
The Government has asked that local funding proposals should drive long-term economic and productivity growth through town centre regeneration and investment in connectivity, land use, economic assets including cultural assets, skills and enterprise infrastructure.
The Swindon Town Deal Board will be submitting seven projects, including:
- Health Hydro Refurbishments: embedding community and leisure uses in the heart of the Railway Village.
- Create Studios at the Carriage Works: fitting out the new space to support Swindon’s digital economy and upskilling our residents.
- Brunel Centre Market: introducing new town centre uses, complementing the High Street and bringing a new experience.
- David Murray John regeneration: investing in Swindon’s most recognisable landmark building to make it fit for the future and provide high quality affordable homes in the heart of the town centre close to services and public transport.
- Kimmerfields Enabling Infrastructure: delivering enabling infrastructure to make land ready for new homes and offices on the next phase of Kimmerfields, adjacent to Zurich’s new flagship building.
Richard Newland, Chair of the Swindon Town Deal Board and Director of Branch Workplace Development at Nationwide Building Society, said: “The Board has done a fantastic job of pulling this investment plan together at such short notice because we recognise the importance of being one of the first places in the UK to submit a bid to the Government
“The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many economic challenges and this funding would be a huge boost to Swindon and help to stimulate further investment in the town, creating jobs and greater prosperity for the people who live here.
“We believe we have a strong bid and we will be submitting the investment plan to the Government shortly.”
The draft Town Investment Plan will be submitted to Government on Friday 31 July and updates on the outcome of this are expected later this year.