New reading challenge aims to support adult literacy in Swindon

A new literacy programme inspired by one of Swindon’s most iconic landmarks is now underway.

Published: Friday, 20th September 2019

Roundabout Reading is a reading incentive created especially for Swindon Libraries in partnership with The National Literacy Trust’s ‘Swindon Stories’ Literacy Hub and supported by the Swindon Learning Town initiative.

The unique Magic Roundabout was chosen as the inspiration for the literacy drive because there are many ways to cross it and to get to your destination, much like the journey people take with their learning.

The aim of the challenge is to encourage more young people and adults to read more by promoting a number of the free services available in Swindon which make reading even easier.

Those taking part in the Roundabout Reading Journey will be asked to pick three reading activities. These can include reading something online like a blog or webpage, reading a magazine or graphic novel, or just listening to an e-audio book.

Swindon Libraries will support those taking part by highlighting some of the ways in which the library service can make it even easier to read in a variety of formats. This can be through improving people’s computer skills via an Adult Community Learning course to enable people to find reading material online or accessing the RB Digital service, which is a free service available to library members providing access to online magazine or newspaper articles.

People can also access health and wellbeing books through the library service’s Reading Well scheme, while Borrowbox gives library members access to a huge selection of e-books or e-audio books in people’s own homes.

Councillor Keith Williams, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member responsible for libraries, said: “As a Council we are absolutely committed to improving adult literacy and encouraging as many people as we can to read, so it is fantastic we have been able to team up with the National Literacy Trust Hub and Swindon Learning Town to put on this lifelong learning programme.

“Reading is such a wonderful pastime which has so many benefits from improving your mental stimulation to reducing stress, not to mention the educational benefits of increasing your knowledge and improving your writing and vocabulary.

“We are extremely keen for local businesses and other organisations to get involved in the literacy programme so they encourage their employees and clients to take part.”

For more information about Roundabout Reading visit:

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