Kind-hearted Intel employees donate sweet treats for isolated residents

More than 160 Easter treats were donated to the Council to put a spring into the step of isolated residents across the town.

Published: Tuesday, 16th April 2019

A team from Intel Involved, working at Intel Corporation in Swindon, donated a hoard of goodie bags with treats for people of all ages.

Younger people living in the Council’s supported accommodation will receive a card, chocolate and toiletries. Gifts for adults include a card, soft toy, hand-knitted egg cosy on a chocolate crème egg, chocolate Easter egg and puzzle book.

The generous donation was made possible by the fundraising efforts by Intel’s dedicated staff and a donation by the company itself. Employees at the Swindon-based firm raised over £1,000 in funding to make up the treat bags.

Council staff and local volunteers will help the Easter bunny to deliver them to the town’s most isolated residents later this week.

Kati Wood, Public Health, Healthy Communities Manager, said: “Swindon is brimming with kindness and generosity. In our work we get to know people who, for lots of different reasons, find themselves isolated and less likely to participate in community life.

“Loneliness is a serious concern for public health and can affect anyone of any age. By creating these beautiful Easter gifts, the staff at Intel are reaching out to say Swindon is a town where you don’t need to be lonely.”

Swindon Circles is a service within the Healthy Communities team, set up to reduce loneliness and isolation. The team facilitate a number of projects such as befriending, support with practical tasks, cake making and knitting to name a few.

Jenny Midwinter who co-ordinates the team, said: “At the centre of everything you will find our wonderful volunteers. All we do is support them to share their skills, friendship and kindness with other residents who need it.

“Our approach is all about being flexible – no one wants to sign up for something that takes up too much time or that they don’t enjoy. So we make the connections and link the right people to the right opportunities.”

The team are always looking for new volunteers and new ideas. Anyone who would like to find out more about volunteering opportunities can call the live Well hub on 01793 465513 or email

Alternatively, on Wednesday the 5th June, the team will be opening a pop up shop in the Brunel shopping centre, next to Buzz Gym, where people can find out about current projects and talk about getting involved.

Photo: Members of the Council’s Public Health team prepare for the special Easter delivery.

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