Swindon roundabout to be transformed into stunning wildflower meadow

One of Swindon’s busiest roundabouts will be transformed into a sea of colour as part of a project to promote biodiversity.

Published: Friday, 21st March 2025

Greenbridge wildflowers

Greenbridge roundabout, which serves as one of the main gateways into Swindon, is currently being landscaped in preparation for the planting of annual wildflowers to create a stunning display over the Spring and Summer months.

The wildflower meadow will replace the previous planting scheme, which formed part of work to increase vehicle capacity on the roundabout seven years ago.

Due to the highly compacted soil and poor drainage, the trees that were originally planted failed to flourish and subsequently died. They were removed by contractors last week prior to the wildflower seeds being sown.

Plans are in place to plant new trees once the soil conditions have improved to support them.

Funding from developers specifically earmarked for biodiversity projects will be used to pay for the new scheme, which will create stripes of colour at night thanks to the multi-coloured lighting display already on the roundabout.

Over the last few years, Affleck Electrical which sponsors the roundabout, has changed the colours of the decorative lighting to promote various charities for free. When the new wildflowers are in full bloom, it is anticipated that an even more spectacular display will be created.

The Council has been working with specialists, Pictorial Meadows, who will be supplying the seed, which is the same mix the company used in the Rotherham ‘River of Flowers’ project.

This approach, using different compositions of flower species, was used for the London Olympics and elsewhere, including the Superbloom scheme at the Tower of London.

As well as benefitting wildlife and increasing biodiversity, the wildflower meadow will reduce the Council’s maintenance costs as the flowers are left to flourish reducing the need for mowing.

Councillor Chris Watts, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment and Transport, said: “Wildflowers are a brilliant way to encourage pollinators and local wildlife and we are really keen we make the most of any opportunities we have to promote biodiversity in line with our mission to build a greener Swindon.

“Anyone who has driven around Greenbridge roundabout will have seen the sad state of the silver birch trees, so we have taken the pragmatic step of using ringfenced biodiversity funding from developers to breathe new life into a failed scheme.

“This wildflower meadow will create an amazing display of colour creating a landmark junction for local residents and visitors to enjoy.

“I’d also like to say a special thanks to Affleck Electrical, who have offered incredible support to light up the roundabout for various charities over the years and I am sure this new planting scheme will create an even more visually impressive display.”

Dawn Whelan, from Affleck Electrical, said: “Our company has sponsored Greenbridge roundabout for many years and we are excited to see the new and improved planting.

“We are looking forward to seeing the roundabout blooming and will continue to light the roundabout for various charities to raising awareness of good causes.”

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