Chance to view plans for latest Swindon sports hub

Proposals for a brand-new sports hub at one of Swindon’s flagship communities are being shared with the public.

Published: Thursday, 28th November 2024

Wichelstowe sports hub

The Wichelstowe Sports Hub will be located between Middle and East Wichel and will include facilities for various sports as well as play provision.

The space has been earmarked for use by the whole community to encourage people to get active either by playing a competitive sport or by taking gentle exercise such as walking in the local area along Wichelstowe’s canals.

The sports hub is being funded through Section 106 money, which is paid by the Wichelstowe developers to Swindon Borough Council to deliver local infrastructure improvements and community facilities. Grant funding may also be sought to expand the range of facilities on offer at the site.

The legal agreement, which sets out how the Section 106 funding should be spent, states that the site must include all-weather facilities with floodlighting so it can be used in the summer and winter, a pavilion, a car park and play areas.

The pavilion will include changing rooms and potentially a community space and cafe.

As the site is located within the parish of Wroughton, the Parish Council are working alongside the Borough Council to develop the plans.

Initial feasibility and design work has already been carried out, including surveys of the site levels, existing trees and hedgerows, rivers and wildlife.

A suggested site layout has been proposed with a pavilion, car park and floodlit all-weather pitch to the north of East Wichel Way and grass pitches and the play provision to the south.

The land to the east of the plan will be improved to help mitigate the impact the -development will have on wildlife habitats and to improve the local network of paths for residents.

New drainage, including an attenuation basin, will also be installed subject to agreement by Lead Local Flood Authority as well as the Environment Agency due to the presence of a river running through the site.

Before the detailed design work begins and a planning application is prepared, local residents are being asked what they would like to see included in the plans. The views of local sports clubs are also being sought.

Councillor Kevin Small, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “We are creating a modern, vibrant community in Wichelstowe through the joint venture with Barratt Developments and this sports hub is another great example of the excellent facilities that are being provided to benefit local residents. This development is delivering on our mission to build a better and fairer Swindon.

“It is really important that we provide spaces like this that everyone can enjoy and we’d really love to hear what local people think of our initial proposals so we can take on board their views as we get to the detailed design stage.”

Councillor John Hewer, Chair Wroughton Parish Council, said: “Wroughton Parish Council are excited to be involved in this project. There are already some very well subscribed and successful sports clubs in our parish and this new facility can only be a positive benefit for the local community.

“We strongly encourage all residents in the parish to formally respond to this consultation, as we really want and need to hear your views.”

Anyone wishing to provide feedback on the plans can do so through the Let’s Talk Swindon engagement website - until mid-January.

Once the feedback has been collected and reviewed, the design will be developed and the emerging plans shared with the public for comment. Updates will be added to the Let’s Talk Swindon page and events will be held in Wichelstowe and Wroughton to give people the chance to view and discuss the detailed plans.

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