Homeline duo receive top award for saving life of resident
Two Swindon Borough Council employees have been presented with bronze medals from the Society for the Protection of Life from Fire after saving someone’s life last year.
Published: Friday, 6th September 2024

Mandy Blackford and Liz Watts, who both work for the Homeline service, rescued an elderly lady from her smoke-filled flat last November. The resident had called Homeline after falling but, during the call, it became apparent that a candle had also fallen, setting fire to the carpet and triggering the smoke alarms.
Mandy and Liz were already on their way to the flat and arrived before firefighters. Despite the smoke, they gained entry and brought the resident to safety.
The pair had already received Chief Fire Officer’s Commendations, in recognition of their courageous actions, at Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service’s annual awards ceremony earlier this year.
CFO Ben Ansell then nominated them for further recognition from the Society for the Protection of Life from Fire. He said: “A Chief Fire Officer’s Commendation is the highest award that I can give to a member of the public for acts of outstanding bravery, selflessness or courage in the face of adversity.
“In exceptional cases, I will also make a nomination to other bodies for recognition, and I was extremely pleased that the Society for the Protection of Life from Fire decided to recognise Mandy and Liz for their incredible bravery on that day.”
Mr Ansell added: “Mandy and Liz acted instinctively, selflessly and bravely, with complete disregard for their own safety. By putting themselves at risk, their actions were the definition of courage under pressure, and saved the resident from serious injury, and the likelihood of losing her life.”
Sam Mowbray, Chief Executive at Swindon Borough Council, said: “I couldn’t be prouder of Mandy and Liz for their quick-thinking and bravery, which ultimately saved a tragedy from occurring. This award is well deserved recognition for the work they do to support our residents. A really big well done to both of them.”
Mandy and Liz were presented with their medals by Group Manager Dave Slawinski at Swindon Borough Council’s offices on 5 September. Also in attendance were the firefighters from Westlea fire station who attended the incident last year and first nominated the pair for recognition.
Speaking afterwards, Mandy and Liz said: “Anyone on our team would have done the same as we did, it just happened to be us who were on duty and called to the address. Receiving the commendations earlier this year, and now these medals, is such an honour for us both.”