Public asked to help shape priorities for Community Safety Partnership

Local people are being asked to share their views on the types of issues they would like to see tackled in their communities.

Published: Friday, 30th August 2024

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Swindon Community Safety Partnership (CSP), which brings together local partners to formulate and implement strategies to tackle crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour, is seeking the views of the public to shape its priorities over the next three years.

The CSP’s Community Safety Plan will incorporate local crime priorities and use feedback from partners and the local community to deal with them.

A survey to inform the Safety Plan is currently open and asks local residents how they feel about issues such as anti-social behaviour, serious violence, hate crime, extremism, domestic abuse and drugs, while also asking whether enough is being done to combat them in the area where they live.

The Council’s Community Safety Team as well as other Community Safety Partnership agencies will be actively engaging with residents at numerous events and pop up stands in and around Swindon in the next few weeks consulting on the survey.

Councillor Jim Grant, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Partnerships, said: “It’s really important we hear from as many people as possible so we ensure the Community Safety Partnership focuses its efforts on tackling the issues that really matter to local residents.

“We have already taken on board residents’ concerns about anti-social behaviour in certain hotspots around the Borough and, using funding obtained by the Police and Crime Commissioner, we have recently introduced Community Safety Wardens who are now on patrol making communities feel safer.

“That is a really good example where we have taken action as a council and as a partnership, and we want to take similar proactive measures in dealing with other problems that are important local people.

“The survey will only take a few minutes and the results will provide invaluable feedback to help shape the new Community Safety Plan.”

A link to the survey is available on the Council’s Let’s Talk Swindon engagement hub at

Anyone who completes the survey can enter a prize draw to win a £50 Love2shop voucher.

The survey is open until 6 October.

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