Council provides update on Abbey Stadium development

A review into the planning requirements for Abbey Stadium and the surrounding areas conducted by the Council has concluded.

Published: Wednesday, 31st July 2024

The Leader of Swindon Borough Council has confirmed that the local authority is reviewing the planning requirements for the development around the outside of the Abbey Stadium to ascertain if they have been breached.

Swindon Borough Council’s planning officers have completed a review of the planning requirements for the Abbey Stadium and all the surrounding development plots after residents raised concerns that building work had not been carried out or completed in accordance with the planning requirements.

The review, which was undertaken at the request of the Leader of Swindon Borough Council, Councillor Jim Robbins, has highlighted that the work undertaken by Gaming International has met the minimums required through the granted planning permission to date, but nothing more. Outline permission was initially submitted way back in 2007 for a new stadium, business and training facilities, a care home and 450 new residential homes. In the 17 years since, the permission has been through a number of revisions, amendments and redesigns with phases and plots coming forward within the wider permission. It is therefore an incredibly complex development.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Jim Robbins, said:

“We are disappointed that to date, Gaming International haven’t made more meaningful progress on this phase of development to secure a commercially viable speedway facility at the Abbey Stadium.  We know how much Speedway means to the fans, and how much it hurt them for the sport not to return after the successful 2019 season. Our administration was elected to lead the Council last year, and at that point, the permissions for the site had been in place for 12 years with Speedway already announced as finished at the Stadium.”

“Saturday’s (27 July) opening of the Richardson Road public open space and play park represents the latest phase of the development to be completed. Taylor Wimpey are continuing the delivery of the final residential phase at Robin Gardens leaving just the Abbey Stadium phase to come forward. It is now for Gaming International, as owners to recognise the importance of speedway in Swindon and bring forward the final phase for the Abbey Stadium site in line with the existing permission.”

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