Community invited to come together for Broadgreen clean-up
Local people are being invited to take part in a community clean-up to brighten up the Broadgreen area next weekend.
Published: Thursday, 20th June 2024

The activity, which is taking place on Saturday, 29 June, has been organised by Swindon Community Safety Partnership (CSP) in collaboration with officers from Swindon Borough Council.
It is the latest community engagement event to take place in Broadgreen, as partner agencies look to make a positive difference to the local neighbourhood.
In March, more than 200 people attended a community engagement day organised by Swindon CSP, and spoke to local organisations about what they like about Broadgreen and what they would like to see improved.
A subsequent week of action in the area took place to tackle anti-social behaviour, dangerous driving and drugs offences, with a number of arrests, fines and vehicle seizures taking place. Local agencies, including Wiltshire Police, have continued to have an active presence in the area to support the community.
The clean-up morning is taking place between 9.30am and 12.30pm and was organised after the cleanliness of the local environment was raised by residents as an issue they would like to see improved.
Families living in Broadgreen can get involved in the clean-up by meeting at Broadgreen Community Centre in Salisbury Street (SN1 2AN) and will be welcomed with free breakfast baps.
Those taking part will be given full training, support and advice on how to properly pick up litter without damaging themselves or the environment. All children should be accompanied by an adult and everyone should wear sensible clothing and footwear.
Residents who would like to get involved in the clean-up can register on the sign-up page [removed link]