Poll cards to be delivered ahead of upcoming May election
Residents who are registered to vote in Swindon will soon start to receive a poll card letter for the local election on Thursday, 2 May.
Published: Tuesday, 2nd April 2024

Residents who are registered to vote in Swindon will soon start to receive a poll card letter which provides details of their closest polling station as well as the photo ID requirements for the local Borough and Police and Crime Commissioner elections, taking place on Thursday, 2 May.
This year, the poll cards will come in the form of an A5 card. The poll card cannot be used as an accepted form of ID.
The reverse of the card explains that voters can still use their photo ID if it’s out of date, as long as it is still a likely representation of the person who appears on the ID.
The name on the form of ID should be the same name which was used as part of the voter registration process. Only original documents will be accepted and the polling card letter also cannot be used as an accepted form of ID.
The card also advises electors that if they do not possess any of the accepted forms of photographic identification that are listed, they can apply to the for a free Voter Authority Certificate. This can be done online or by phoning the Council on 01793 445 500 to request an application form by post.
Alternatively, electors can apply in person on any working day between 9.30am and 4pm at the Civic Offices in Euclid Street, Swindon, SN1 2JH. Completed applications must reach the Council before 5pm on Wednesday, 24 April 2024. Anyone applying for a Voter Authority Certificate will need to be registered to vote first.
Residents need to make sure that they are registered to vote before 11.59pm on 16 April. It only takes five minutes to register on the Government’s website – just search ‘register to vote’ online.
Voters who wish to use a postal vote at this year’s elections will need to register by 5pm on 17 April 2024. And for a proxy vote, applications must be submitted by 5pm on 24 April 2024. More details on the different ways you can vote can be found on the Council’s website as well as everything voters need to know about the upcoming elections.
Sam Mowbray, Swindon Borough Council’s Returning Officer, said: “There is now less that six weeks until the Borough and Police and Crime Commissioner elections, so it is important that everyone who wishes to vote is registered and has a suitable form of photo ID to take with them to the polling station.
“The polling card provides detailed information on the photo ID that is suitable to use to vote, and also guidance on applying for a Voter Authority Certificate if you do not have an appropriate photo ID. The Voter Authority Certificate will be valid for all future elections, for 10 years.
“Those who need to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate will need to submit their application by 5pm on 24 April. I would encourage those who need to apply to register as soon as possible.”