Foster with Swindon news

Funding for extra bedrooms latest initiative to help provide more local foster placements
A shortage of local foster care placements has forced Swindon Borough Council to look at new ways of finding loving homes for the children in its care.
Published: Wednesday, 13th December 2023-
Increased fees and enhanced training offer proposed for Swindon’s foster carers
Proposals being taken to Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet next week (12 July) could see foster carers in Swindon receive as much as £10,000 extra per year.
Published: Wednesday, 5th July 2023 -
Council get behind national fostering campaign to find new foster carers in Swindon
Swindon Borough Council is supporting Foster Care Fortnight, a national campaign from the Fostering Network, in the hope of inspiring more people in the town to become foster carers.
Published: Monday, 10th May 2021 -
Campaign aims to show residents the life-changing impact their council tax has on those most in need in Swindon
With council tax bills being delivered to households in Swindon this week, the message from the Council is that it is here for Swindon and its residents, throughout and after the pandemic.
Published: Wednesday, 10th March 2021 -
Regional campaign launched to find more foster carers
Local authorities across the South West are joining together this Christmas to call for more people to consider becoming foster carers.
Published: Monday, 30th November 2020 -
Children in Care Awards recognise outstanding young people in Swindon
Two special events were held to celebrate the achievements of children and young people in the care of Swindon Borough Council.
Published: Saturday, 29th February 2020