Adult social care and support news

Council completes AI trial to enhance Adult Social Care services
Social workers at Swindon Borough Council are using artificial intelligence to reduce admin so they have more time to spend with those that need their support.
Published: Tuesday, 1st October 2024-
New measures in place to protect Homeline users during digital switchover
Three major phone companies involved in the digital switchover have signed data sharing agreements with Swindon Borough Council.
Published: Thursday, 29th August 2024 -
Residents can have their say on the five-year plan to improve adult social care service
It is a vital service that many residents may come to rely on at various points in their adult lives.
Published: Wednesday, 28th February 2024 -
Cost of living roadshows to help Swindon residents access support and advice
A raft of organisations will come together in five locations across Swindon in June to help people with their finances.
Published: Friday, 26th May 2023 -
Council’s Cabinet to discuss proposals to close unprecedented budget gap
Proposals to spend over £130m on services to support vulnerable children and adults in Swindon will be discussed by councillors next week (1 Feb).
Published: Thursday, 26th January 2023 -
Swindon receives further £1.5m to help families with the rising cost of living
Households across Swindon will benefit from over £1.5m of grant funding issued by Central Government.
Published: Wednesday, 7th December 2022 -
Swindon receives further £1.5m to help families with the rising cost of living
Households across Swindon will benefit from over £1.5m of funding to help those most in need to cope with the rising cost of living.
Published: Friday, 25th November 2022 -
10 Warm and Welcome Spaces now open in Swindon in time for the winter
Warm and Welcome Spaces are existing spaces that are being promoted across Swindon this winter, and are available to anyone.
Published: Monday, 14th November 2022 -
Council to host energy advice Q&A in wake of price cap increase announcement
Citizens Advice Swindon and Warm and Safe Wiltshire have joined forces with Swindon Borough Council to help residents save money on bills.
Published: Friday, 26th August 2022 -
Council thanks sponsors, charities and volunteers ahead of Ukrainian Independence Day
Tomorrow (24 August) marks 31 years since Ukraine declared independence from the Soviet Union and six months since it was invaded by Russia.
Published: Tuesday, 23rd August 2022 -
Swindon pensioners urged to check they’re not missing out on Pension Credit
All people of State Pension age in Swindon to check or re-check their eligibility to claim Pension Credit.
Published: Tuesday, 14th June 2022 -
Swindon supporting Dementia Action Week
Two special events are taking place next week to raise awareness of dementia and to improve the lives of those affected by it.
Published: Thursday, 12th May 2022 -
Campaign aims to show residents the life-changing impact their council tax has on those most in need in Swindon
With council tax bills being delivered to households in Swindon this week, the message from the Council is that it is here for Swindon and its residents, throughout and after the pandemic.
Published: Wednesday, 10th March 2021 -
Council to distribute supermarket vouchers this February half term
Thousands of people across Swindon will be offered supermarket vouchers ahead of the February half-term school holidays, as part of a scheme facilitated by Swindon Borough Council.
Published: Thursday, 4th February 2021 -
Council care homes provide COVID-safe environment for relatives to visit
Two Swindon Borough Council-run care homes have created special COVID-safe areas so family members can safely meet their loved ones.
Published: Tuesday, 1st December 2020 -
People in Swindon encouraged to send messages of kindness to care home residents this festive period
People in Swindon are being encouraged to send their best wishes to residents in the Borough’s care homes this festive period, with the launch of a new campaign.
Published: Monday, 23rd November 2020 -
People in Swindon urged to reach out to care home residents
People are being asked if they could spare a few minutes to put smiles on the faces of isolated residents as Swindon Borough Council launches a new initiative to help those who live in care homes.
Published: Wednesday, 20th May 2020 -
Social workers asked to support the vulnerable in fight against coronavirus
Experienced social workers are being urged to answer an SOS from Swindon Borough Council as the local authority continues to look after those most in need during the coronavirus pandemic.
Published: Friday, 1st May 2020 -
Council rolls out further support measures to improve personal wellbeing
The Council is urging members of the public to look after their mental and physical health during the coronavirus outbreak after the Government extended the current lockdown period until May.
Published: Friday, 17th April 2020 -
Coronavirus - Statements from SBC and Public Health England
Statements from Swindon Borough Council and Public Health England on coronavirus in Swindon:
Published: Friday, 6th March 2020 -
Council receives cash to help domestic abuse sufferers
We have received almost £100,000 from the Government to support victims and survivors of domestic violence
Published: Wednesday, 19th February 2020