Landlord portal
The landlord portal will allow you to access information about your tenant’s Housing Benefit claim, if payments are being made directly to you.
You can check or report the following information:
- Payment schedules, including details of previous payment made to you
- Details of Housing Benefit entitlement for tenants for whom you receive direct payments
- The status of your tenant’s Housing Benefit claim
- Future amounts and due dates
- A change in your tenant’s circumstances
- Your notification letters
Sign in to the landlord portal
How to access the landlord’s portal
If you would like to access the landlord’s portal, and we don’t currently hold your details, email with the following information:
- Your full name
- Your landlord company name (if different)
- Your landlord reference number
- Your email address
- Your contact telephone number
Help to use the landlord's portal
For information and assistance on using the landlord’s portal, download the user guide below: