Personal Education Plans (PEPs) and Pupil Premium Plus

PEP training

For Early Years PEP training, Welfare Call for Social Workers, KS1-KS4 PEP training and Post-16 PEP training, email:

Personal Education Plan (PEP)

  • What is a PEP?
    • All looked after children have a care plan. The Personal Education Plan (PEP) should be initiated as part of the care plan.
    • A PEP is a statutory requirement to make sure that the child's educational progress is regularly and accurately recorded. It is an essential part of the child’s overall care plan.
    • Looked after children should have a PEP from 2 years old to 18 years old
    • The PEP is an evolving record of what needs to happen for looked after children to enable them to make at least expected progress and fulfil their potential
    • The PEP should reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning that meets the child’s identified educational needs, raises aspirations and builds life chances
    • The school, other professionals and the child’s carers should use the PEP to support achieving those things
  • PEP best practice
    • The quality of the PEP is the joint responsibility of the local authority that looks after the child and the school
    • Social workers, carers, Virtual School heads (VSHs), designated teachers and other relevant professionals will need to work closely together to ensure every PEP meets the quality assurance criteria
    • All of those involved in the PEP process should ensure the child is involved. The extent of the child's involvement will depend on understanding and ability.
    • Where appropriate, the child's parent and/or relevant family member should be involved in the PEP process

Further information

For more information, refer to the PEP section of the statutory guidance: promoting the education of looked-after and previously looked-after children, or email:

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