The role of the Virtual School

The Virtual School does not exist in real terms as a building, and children and young people do not attend. They remain the responsibility of the school at which they are enrolled.

The Virtual School works in partnership with the child or young person’s school/educational setting to ensure that they are supported to fulfil their potential at all stages of their education, and to give them the best opportunity to be successful in their adult lives.

Whilst looked after children attend different schools and settings across Swindon and in other local authorities, the Virtual School monitors their attendance, attainment and achievement and makes sure that their educational success is a top priority in their care planning.

Children who are looked after attract additional funding to support the targets or outcomes set out in their Personal Education Plans (PEPs). This is called Pupil Premium Plus and is administered by the Headteacher of the Virtual School.

Key functions of the Virtual School

  • Monitor progress
    • The Virtual School Head (VSH) oversees the education of children in care by keeping an up-to-date record of their attendance, attainment and progress. This helps ensure that their educational needs are met effectively.
  • Provide support
    • The Virtual School works in collaboration with the schools and educational settings that children in care attend. It supports the identification of school placements, monitors academic progress, and intervenes when needed to address any academic issues or underperformance.
  • Allocate Pupil Premium Funding
    • VSHs are also responsible for managing pupil premium funding for the children they look after and for allocating it to schools and alternative provision (AP) settings. These are places that provide education for children who can’t go to a mainstream school. Children who have been in local authority care for one day or more attract £2,570 of pupil premium funding.
  • Manage Early Years Funding
    • The VSH also manages the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) for children in care aged 3 to 4 years, ensuring that early education providers have the necessary funds to support their educational needs
  • Provide Educational Success in Care Planning
    • The Virtual School prioritises educational success in care planning to help looked-after children have the best chance for a successful future

Overall, the Virtual School ensures that children in care are not left behind in their education, even though they may attend different schools or educational settings. It works to close any gaps in their learning and provide the necessary support to help them achieve their full potential.

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