Step 1: Introduction to council housing

Number of applicants waiting for council housing

This page shows the number of applicants waiting for council housing. They are either on the main waiting list or the transfer list. Applicants on the transfer list are already in council housing (or a housing association property), but seek a different property.

We publish this information every month.

Information on this page may inform your bid for council housing through our allocations and lettings process.

The number of applicants on the housing register waiting list and transfer list on 1 February 2025 was 3,445.

Council housing register waiting and transfer list
Band 1 bed 2 bed 3 bed 4+bed Aged 60+
for 1 or 2 bed
Total in band
Band A 203 55 56 25 216 555
Band B 1,454 324 324 26 334 2,496
Band E 12 2 4 1 10 29
Band O 30 4 1 0 330 365
Total 1,699 385 420 51 890 3,445

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