Swindon community multi-agency risk assessment conference (CMARAC)

The Community MARAC is a multi-agency forum for discussing cases of anti-social behaviour within the borough of Swindon.

The core agencies involved are:

  • Swindon Brough Council
  • Wiltshire police
  • Housing providers
  • Integrated Care Board

The main focus of the Swindon CMARAC is managing the risk to vulnerable victims and providing options for increased safety. It also considers other persons affected and manages the behaviour of any perpetrator.

The panel will decide on the best approach to managing the overall risk to the victim or community and on effective safety planning strategies.

Referrals can be made by any agency who deal with anti-social behaviour cases.

Information for agencies

We will take referrals from statutory agencies who are part of the Community Safety Partnership and any relevant agency responsible with a duty of care of residents of Swindon Borough.

CMARAC referral form
CMARAC update form

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