Getting help with self-harm

Getting crisis support

This level of support is for children, young people and families that routinely experience crises but struggle to access the help offered at other levels or for whom this help hasn’t made a difference.

It is also for children young people and families who are currently unable to benefit from evidence-based support but there remains a significant concern or risk.

Services and support for children, young people and families (CYPF) who are currently unable to benefit from evidence-based treatment but remain a significant concern and risk.

Services and support for CYPF who routinely go into crisis but are unable to make use of help offered or where the help has not made a difference. 

Outreach Service for Children and Adolescents (OSCA)

OSCA works in a flexible way to engage with young people who find it difficult to access CAMHS in the way it is usually set up.

OSCA can offer visits in the community and communication using texts/facetime. OSCA staff are skilled in risk assessment and risk management and will work with the network around a young person, providing consultation, advice and support to this network. 

Hospital Liaison Service (at Great Western Hospital)

CAMHS also provide a Hospital Liaison service which provides assessment for young people presenting at GWH, every day between 9.00am to 5.00pm (including weekends). They work to help risk assess and plan safe discharges for children and young people and ensure follow up from the appropriate services.

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