Getting help with depression

Books to help with depression

I Had a Black Dog - Author: Matthew Johnstone.
Matthew Johnstone, a sufferer himself, has written and illustrated this moving and uplifting insight into what it is like to have a Black Dog (depression) as a companion and how he learned to tame it and bring it to heel.

Living with a Black Dog - Author: Matthew Johnstone.
An illustrated book written for those who care for those suffering with depression. It speaks directly to cares and offer practical and sometimes tongue-in-cheek- tips on supporting people with depression.

The Depression Workbook - Author: Mary Ellen Copeland.
A guide for living with depression & manic depression. It teaches skills to cope with depression: tracking moods; building support systems, increasing self-confidence and using relaxation, diet, and exercise to stabilize moods.

Beyond the Blues: A Workbook to Help Teens Overcome Depression - Author: Lisa Schab.
If you are feeling depressed, this workbook offers things you can do, both on your own or with a professional, to help you feel better.

Ending the Depression Cycle - Author: Peter Bieling & Martin Anthony.
A step-by-step guide for preventing relapse, understanding the depression cycle and tools and resources to deal with each stage.

Overcoming Depression - Author: Paul Gilbert.
A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques filled with ideas of how to move out of depression.

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