Mental health emergency: Children and young people

If your young person is open to BeU or CAMHS and you are concerned about their mental health in office hours (Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm), we would advise that you contact CAMHS or BeU in the first instance. They will be able to offer advice and support and help your young person get what they need.  

If your young person is not open to CAMHS or BeU we would advise that you see your GP. Your GP will be able to refer you to the most appropriate service and offer advice to manage whilst this happens.

If an emergency happens out of hours (after 5.00pm, weekends and bank holidays) we would advise that you call your out of hours GP or if medical advice is needed 111. Your out of hours GP or 111 will be able to offer advice and support to help you manage an emergency.

If your young person has significantly hurt themselves or you feel they may be at significant risk of harm due to their mental health, whether or not they are open to CAMHS/BeU, you should access your local A&E department or call 999.

Contact details

Okus Road

Tel: 01865 903422

On Trak
Victoria Road

Tel: 01793 612969

Swindon & District Samaritans
6 Curtis Street

Tel: 01793 527373

Swindon MIND
Swindon Advice and Support Centre
Sandford Street

Tel: 01793 432031

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