Keyworker service

Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire’s (BSW’s) Keyworker Service aims to address the challenges that children and young people in (or heading towards) mental health crisis face.

A designated keyworker will be matched to eligible children and young people to help them get care and support from health and care services.

The service will help children and young people to stay out of hospital and get care at home and in their local community, which can help them recover better.

The Keyworker Service is separate from other services. Keyworkers make sure you get help across different services like education, health, social care and voluntary and community services.


The Keyworker Service is for:

  • children and young people aged 5 to 25 years
  • people registered with a GP in the BSW's area
  • people who have a diagnosis of autism or learning disability or both
  • those rated red or amber as being at risk of hospital admission on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) or
  • inpatients in a mental health hospital or
  • a person in an acute hospital due to a mental health crisis

How a keyworker can help

A  keyworker will work directly with you and anyone who supports you. 

They will listen to you, get to know you and help you get the support you need to get well and stay well.

They know about the support services in the area and will find out which ones would be best to help you. They will also support the services who are working with you to fully understand your individual needs and make sure that everything works well together.

With the right help and support, you may be able to stay living at home, getting the care and treatment you need in your local community. Being in a familiar place often helps people get better more quickly.

The keyworker will keep working with you until you decide together you no longer need their support. However, the keyworker is not a replacement for any person, team or service already helping you.

This means that the keyworker service does not:

  • offer long-term support
  • provide medical services
  • provide emergency or crisis support when the office is closed

Contact information

To find out more about the service, email:

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