Contact the speech and language therapy service

Speech and Language Therapy
Salt Way Centre
Pearl Road

  • Telephone: 01793 466790 - Speech and Language Secretary or 01793 464240 - Salt Way reception
  • Email:

Please note: Any personal identifying information in your email cannot be guaranteed secure by our systems. Only a limited number of Speech & Language Therapists and office staff will have access to your email. We recommend that the subject line of the email does not contain any personal identifying information.

Hours of business

Appointments are usually made between 9.00am and 4.00pm, though some clinics can offer appointments from 8.00am and after 5.00pm where working arrangements and accommodation allow.

Giving feedback about our service

If you would like to give your views about our service, please complete the speech and language therapy feedback survey.

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Use this form to provide feedback on this webpage. Don't use it to contact us about a service or make a complaint. We will not reply, even if you include personal details such as your name and address. If you want us to reply, you should contact us in a different way.

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