Immunisations for school age children

All school aged immunisations, in-line with the National Programme for BaNES, Swindon, Wiltshire and Devon, are provided by HCRG Care Group on behalf of the NHS.

Routine school aged immunisation schedule delivered in schools is as follows:

  • Years R-6 - Nasal Flu
  • Year 8 - HPV 1st dose
  • Year 9 - HPV 2nd dose
  • Year 9 - Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (dTaP/IPV or DTP) booster and Meningitis ACWY (MenACWY)

See the full guide to immunisations for young people (PDF). 

The above immunisations are offered in your child’s school, who our Immunisation Team work with in partnership. All information will be shared via your child’s school.

You will be sent an electronic link with full details of the immunisation and we ask that you complete this on receipt to provide consent, or to decline the offer if you do not wish your child to receive the immunisation offered.

If you would like further information or support with competing the consent, you can contact our single point of access on 0300 247 0082 or by email at:

If you have provided consent for your child to be immunised and they are absent on the day of the session, they will still be offered the vaccination either when the team re-visit the school, or at a community clinic. Further information will be provided on how to access this.

Other school aged immunisations that can be accessed in clinic settings:

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) is accessed by contacting our Single Point of Access on 0300 247 0082 or contacting your GP.  Any child who has not had their routine 2 doses of MMR before starting school. Please check with your GP practice if not sure. Information is available on the NHS website.

Group Strep A infections and the flu vaccine

Lots of parents are concerned about the recent increases in Group Strep A infections, including scarlet fever, in young children this winter. There has also been an incorrect story on social media that this increase may be due to the nasal spray vaccine that is given to children to protect them from the flu. This story is incorrect.

Flu vaccines do not contain Group Strep A bacteria and there is no evidence that the nasal spray flu vaccine given to children can cause Group A Strep infections. Getting the flu vaccine actually reduces the risk of your child having flu and a Group A Strep infection at the same time, which can be a cause of a very serious illness in children.

We therefore strongly recommend that children who are eligible get a flu vaccination as this is the best way to protect them from serious illness.

The flu vaccine for children has an excellent safety record and this includes the nasal spray given to school aged children and pre-schoolers, which has been given to millions of children in the UK and worldwide. 

Eligible children

The flu vaccine is offered free to:

  • children aged 2 or 3 years old (on 31 August before flu vaccinations start in the autumn)
  • all primary school children (reception to Year 6)
  • some secondary school aged children
  • children aged 2 to 17 with a health condition that puts them at greater risk from flu

Further information is available at Child flu vaccine.

Where can children get their flu vaccination?

Pre-school children can get a flu vaccine from their GP.

School aged children will be offered a flu vaccine in school, with further opportunities to get the vaccine at a community venue if they missed the vaccination session at school.

Children who are home educated will be offered the vaccine, provided they are in an eligible age group. Parents can access their vaccine through their GP if they are in the vulnerable groups or can be vaccinated at community clinics.

If you child has missed their school flu vaccination session then you can contact the school age immunisation provider in Swindon to arrange for your child to be vaccinated in a community venue on 0300 247 0082 or by email at:

Further information can be found at Wiltshire Children's Community Service.

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