Assessment and support during independent travel training

To complete the training, the child and young person will be assessed on a range of criteria to ensure that they are not only safe but are also confident with the varying stages of travel involved. For example, being able to point out significant landmarks, so they can identify what stage of their trip they are at.

  • Risk Assessments in place - These will be detailed, specific and tailored to the child or young person, which highlights risks that may be in place along the route that will be taken, this could include issues such as no street lighting.
  • 1 to 1 support - ensuring that the child or young person has the right level of tailored support for the journey.
  • Bespoke training to suit each child or young person - As part of the ongoing training, we will review each circumstance of the child and young person on a case by case basis, looking at the way in which we can best support them for successful engagement and completion of the course.  
  • Progress log to be maintained - This will highlight the daily progression being made within the training, for example – confidence and understanding in identifying a ‘safe stranger’.
  • Shadowing stage - We will be able to shadow from a safe distance or use another trainer to assess and ensure that all taught behaviour and steps are being followed ready for the child or young person's sign off. 
  • Post Training Quiz - The child or young person will be asked to complete a ‘What-if?’ quiz, which highlights the learning they have had and the scenarios that they may face. 
  • Post Training - After the completion of the training we will check in with the child or young person, this will help us to understand whether they are still independently travelling.  

There will be an opportunity for children and young people to join our ‘Champions’ which will help to offer peer advice and support to others looking to complete the training.   

Further stretch and development activities are currently being planned to help embed the training and add continued development opportunities for the child and young person.

Contact the Independent Travel Hub

This is a new Hub set up to develop Swindon's independent travel offer, to enable students to travel independently to and from their educational setting.


Telephone number: 01793 464167    

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