Advantages of independent travel training

The advantages of travel training go far beyond just travelling to and from school or college. The positive impact that independent travel training can have on a child or young person's life is far-reaching and long-lasting. The impact does not just affect the child or young person participating in the training but others that may also be involved with them such as:

  • Increased independence and confidence, and improved self-esteem.
  • Increased opportunity to participate in social and leisure activities and generally broadened horizons.
  • Improvement to general health and well-being, improved quality of life.
  • Potential for enhanced educational performance.
  • Increased opportunity to access healthcare services.
  • Increased opportunity and likelihood of entering employment.
  • Learning how to cope and stay safe in a variety of situations.
  • Learning a transferable skill.

  • Their child or young person might participate more widely in education, employment and leisure activities.
  • Their child or young person increasing in confidence which may also increase family leisure activities. This can ease general day to day pressures.
  • The knowledge that their child or young person will be safe when not with their parent or carer
  • Helping a child or young person develop and maintain better relationships with peers
  • Their child or young person becoming less reliant on parents and carers to take them to places.

Contact the Independent Travel Hub

This is a new Hub set up to develop Swindon's independent travel offer, to enable students to travel independently to and from their educational setting.


Phone number: 01793 464167

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