Why do travel training?

Independent travel is a skill for life, supporting education and employment opportunities, independent living and community inclusion. It supports young people to prepare for adulthood.

Travel training includes:

  • Working with children and young people to develop the confidence and skills required to travel independently
  • Offers a number of options to help travel independently
  • Provides practical support for the most appropriate travel options
  • Enables a greater level of access to further activities outside of education
  • Nurtures development of problem-solving skills
  • Promotes sustainable travel options
  • Opportunities for further development - become an Independent Travel Training Champion!

Travel options include:

  • Bus
  • Walking
  • Train
  • Mixed options

Contact the Independent Travel Hub

This is a new Hub set up to develop Swindon's independent travel offer, to enable students to travel independently to and from their educational setting.

Email: independenttravel@swindon.gov.uk

Phone number: 01793 464167

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