Getting help with autism

Books about autism

  • Asperger’s Syndrome – What Teachers Need to Know - Author: Matt Winter.
  • Martian in the Playground – Understanding the School Child with Asperger’s Syndrome - Author: Claire Sainsbury.
  • Eating an Artichoke – A Mother’s Perspective on Asperger’s Syndrome - Author: Ech R Fling
  • Asperger’s Syndrome in Young Children – A Development Guide for Parents and Professionals - Author: Laurie Leventhal-Belfer and Cassandra Coe
  • Hitchhiking Through Asperger’s Syndrome - Author: Lise Pyles
  • This is Asperger’s Syndrome - Author: Elisa Gognon and Brenda Smith Myles.
  • My Social Stories Handbook - Author: Carol Gray and Abbie Leigh White.
  • Social Awareness Skills for Children - Author: Marianna Csoti
  • The Explosive Child – A New Approach for Parenting Easily Frustrated and Chronically Inflexible Children - Author: Ross W Greene, Ph.D.
  • Asperger’s Syndrome and Sensory Issues - Author: Brenda Smith-Myles and Jack Southwick
  • Asperger’s Syndrome – A Practical Guide for Teachers - Author: Val Cumine, Julia Leach and Gill Stevenson.
  • Asperger’s Syndrome and Sensory Issues – Practical Solutions for Making Sense of the World - Author: Brenda Smith Myles, Katherine Tapscott Cook, Nancy E Miller, Louann Rinner and Lisa A Robbins.
  • The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognising and Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction - Author: Carole Stock Kranowitz.
  • Sensory Integration: Theory & Practice - Author: Anita C Bundy, Anne G Fisher and Elizabeth A Murray
  • Sensory Integration and Learning Disorders - Author: A Jean Ayres
  • Hand Function In The Child: Foundations for Remediation - Author: Anne Henderson and C Pehoski
  • OT Goals (Goals & Objectives Associated with Learning) - Author: Michelle Tobias and Ilene Goldkopf
  • Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities at School – Educating children with NLD, Asperger Syndrome and Related Conditions - Author: Pamela B. Tanguay.
  • Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism - Author: Temple Grandin
  • Aspergirls: Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome. By Rudy Simone
  • The Autistic Brain: Thinking across the Spectrum - Author: Temple Grandin and Richard Panek
  • Sisterhood of the Spectrum: An Asperger Chick's Guide to Life  - Author: Jennifer Cook O'Toole

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