Getting help with autism

Resources from people with lived experience of autism

Yo Samdy Sam explores topics of autism and neurodiversity in weekly videos following her diagnosis as an adult.

Epilie Aspie Chick  is a blog from Michelle. She describes herself and her blog as “I'm a voracious reader, writer, and dreamer. My head is constantly in the clouds, consistently thinking up some new world I wish existed in more than my head. I prefer to read Young Adult, but I also read other Genres too (different mood, different book).

I also was diagnosed with Myoclonic-Astatic Epilepsy at 12 years old and then Asperger's at 30. My natural instinct was to turn to books to find the answers I was seeking, but found it difficult to locate a way to find books, fiction or non-fiction, based on condition. Eventually I found the emotions, characters, and solutions I was really looking for, but only after thousands of hours digging for them. 

I hope this blog not only provides some reviews of really amazing books, but also gives what I wish existed sooner: an easy way to locate books based on the topic you're looking to read about. ” Everyday Asperger's Facebook page is run by Sam who is a former school teacher diagnosed with Asperger's in her 40s. Her middle adult son also is on the autism spectrum, as is her partner.​

Musings of an Aspie is a blog written by Cynthia Kim who was 42 when she discovered she had Asperger's syndrome. The blog provides a range of resources and her thoughts on autism and Asperger's. Cynthia has also written for Autism Parenting Magazine and Autism West Midlands Magazine. 

Life with Asperger's is a blog written by a mum who has two sons with autism and a diagnosis herself. The blog describes what it is like to live with Autism and focuses on the positive aspects of the condition rather than the negative. It is a personal and non medical account of her first hand experienced.

Autism Awareness have a news blog written by Maureen Bennie, mother to a son and daughter (age 24 and 22) with autism. Maureen writes on a wide variety of subjects relating to autism.

The girl with the curly hair - excellent online resources

The Chapman family 

IndieAndy - Short videos with autism tips and advice   

Adult experiences

NHS adults with autism - a positive perspective from an adult who has received an Aspergers diagnosis 

Video resources for autism and ADHD

Amazing Things Happen - an uplifting introduction to autism for young non-autistic audiences, aiming to raise awareness, understanding and tolerance in future generations.

National autistic society - lots of short videos

IndieAndy - Short videos with autism tips and advice

Autism Acceptance 2022 video - The Neuro Bears are coming to explain all about the autistic experience. Just like we can have many different types of bear, people can have many different types of brain. Except we cannot see peoples differences in brain from the outside.

Neuro Bears are here to explain all about neurodiversity and neurodivergence.

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