Getting help with autism

Autism advice for girls

Aspire: The Female Autism Network is run by a small, diverse group of adults in the North West of England, consisting of females with autism, their parents and professionals working in the field.

They have an online support through their Aspire Facebook page where they welcome everyone - from those on the spectrum, their family, friends and relevant professionals to anyone who just wants to learn more about Autism Spectrum Condition.
Their aim is to raise awareness of the female presentation of autism by creating and sharing resources and insights.

Autistic Women’s Association aim to offer support and education to autistic women and parents/carers around the world through the Autistic Women's Association Facebook page and private Facebook support group. 

The National Autistic Society has some helpful information on “How women and girls experience autism”; training on autism in women and girls and a Spectrum Live video discussion of a group of women with autism sharing their experience. 

Spectrum has articles specifically relating to autism in girls  including “Seeking Precise Portraits of Girls with Autism” and The Lost Girls.

Yo Samdy Sam has a video specifically looking at autism symptoms in girls.

Simmons University has an article on “Interventions for Girls and Women on the Autism Spectrum”

Girls with autism - Limpsfield Grange documentary 

Meet Saffron: inside the colourful mind of a girl with autism 

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