Getting help with autism
First steps to getting help
Children, young people and families that are learning to live with autism, may benefit from short term evidence-based treatments from health services.
Local resources
- Register for an EarlyBird programme. Early Bird programmes provide support and training for parents, carers and families when a child, between the ages of 4 to 8 years old, within the family has been diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)
- Enquire about the Cygnet Programme. Cygnet is a locally provided parenting support programme for parents and carers of children/young people aged 5 to 18 who have a diagnosis of an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)
- Sign up for the Family Links Managing Challenging Behaviour programme by contacting the Butterflies Centre on 01793 722984
- Core standards
- School nursing
- Be U Swindon
Next steps to getting help
This is for children, young people and families that are experiencing chronic or severe difficulties that would benefit from extensive long-term evidence-based treatment, including outpatient and inpatient care.
It supports children, young people and families that haven’t benefited from short term interventions or have been ‘getting help’ but their difficulties have got worse.