SEND and Alternative Provision (SENDAP) Change Programme Partnership (CPP)

SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan

The SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan was published by the Department for Education on 2, March 2023. It set out the plans for change to the SEND and alternative provision system in England.  

The aims of this plan are to:

  • give children the right help at the right time
  • make parents trust the services more
  • improve inclusion in education, health and care
  • encourage high ambitions for children so they can have a happy adult life
  • make the funding for SEND support better over time

You can see more details in the SEND and alternative provision improvement plan on the Government website.

A British Sign Language translation of the SEND and AP Improvement Plan (with audio) is available on YouTube:

The Government's SEND and AP Provision Improvement Plan Easy Read (March 2023) (PDF) published paper is also available.

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