You said, we did
Story boards
A story board is a visually presented ‘You Said ,We Did’ illustrating our responses to feedback from parents, children, young people and professionals. Storyboards aim to briefly explain on one page why and how improvements have been made to a particular service or how a project/programme has been developed; including who was involved, what the impact of the improvements have been and what’s going to happen next.
Story boards that we have created by year can now be viewed below:
- Neurodevelopmental conditions pathway community paediatrics impact report story board (PDF)
- Whole school SEND self-evaluation story board (PDF)
- Cygnet programme story board (PDF)
- Neurodevelopmental conditions waiting list update story board (PDF)
- Good Practice Example From SBC Early Years Team story board (PDF)
- Good Practice Example From SBC Early Years Team Early Years Level 3 SENCo Qualification story board (PDF)