Short breaks
Short breaks give children and young people with disabilities opportunities to have fun, share experiences and socialise away from their family, whilst giving their parents and carers a break from their caring responsibilities.
In Swindon, we recognise that all children and families are different and may require different types and levels of short breaks support. We aim to ensure that children and young people with disabilities and their families receive the right short breaks at the right time.
There are four types of short breaks available for children and young people (aged 0 to their eighteenth birthday) who are Swindon residents and have a disability (as defined by the Equality Act 2010):
- Community groups and activities
- Inclusion funding
- Specialist groups and activities
- Assessed short breaks
Many children and young people with disabilities can access groups and activities available for all children in their local community. Examples include Brownies, Cubs, after-school, leisure or holiday clubs, including activities provided through the holiday activities and food programme.
The Equality Act 2010 states that reasonable adjustments should be made to ensure that children and young people with disabilities receive the same services, as far as this is possible, as those without disabilities. Some activity providers go further to gain accessibility kitemarks, for example the Riding for the Disabled (RDA) or RYA Sailability schemes.
You can find more information about community groups and activities. You should contact providers directly to access these services.
We are committed to supporting children and young people with disabilities to access community groups and activities alongside their non-disabled peers, where this is appropriate. Inclusion funding is available to children and young people who are unable to access community groups and activities despite reasonable adjustments, and require additional support to do so.
The funding is provided directly to the community group or activity provider to employ additional staff for up to 78 hours per year so that the child or young person can access an activity. We pay a maximum rate of £11.44 per hour and do not fund the cost of the activity itself.
You can make a request for inclusion funding via the Swindon Borough Council website. The information in the referral form will be sent to Contact Swindon. If you are unable to complete the online referral form, please phone 01793 464646 or email We accept requests from parents, carers or anyone working with the child, including the community group or activity provider.
We recognise that children and young people’s needs may fluctuate over time. To make sure children and young people continue to receive the right support at the right time, we review inclusion funding packages annually. These reviews will coincide with any review of a child or young person’s education, health and care (EHC) plan, if applicable.
Specialist groups and activities are only available for children and young people aged 5 to 18 years old with multiple, complex needs who cannot access community groups and activities with additional support provided through inclusion funding.
Specialist groups and activities include:
- A range of specialist activity groups for up to 78 hours per year. Groups run during evenings, Saturdays and school holidays. Please note there is a cost to parents of £3.00 per hour.
- A subsidised place for a child to attend a commissioned specialist group or activity, such as:
- Brunel Education Short Breaks, based at Upper Shaw Ridge Farm, for up 78 hours per year. Sessions run after school, weekends and school holidays. Please note there is a cost to parents of £3.00 per hour.
- ARC Sparkle and Liberty weekly term-time groups for children with an Autistic Spectrum Condition diagnosis. Please note there is a cost to parents of £3.00 per hour.
- STEP Saturday Club for 2.5 hours once a month plus an additional session during the summer holidays. There is no cost to parents. Transport is provided to and from the sessions.
Please note sibling reductions apply for all activities with a cost to parents (first child full price, subsequent children half price). If cost is a barrier to accessing the service, please contact Aiming High to discuss concessions.
You can make a request for specialist groups and activities via the Swindon Borough Council website. The information in the referral form will be sent to Contact Swindon. If you are unable to complete the online referral form, please phone 01793 464646 or email We accept requests from parents, carers or anyone working with the child.
We recognise that children and young people’s needs may fluctuate over time. To make sure children and young people continue to receive the right support at the right time, we review inclusion funding packages annually. These reviews will coincide with any review of a child or young person’s education, health and care (EHC) plan, if applicable.
Further specialist short breaks (including overnight support) are available via a statutory assessment by a social worker. Not all disabled children and young people are eligible for further specialist short breaks, but as their parent you can request an assessment by us explore any needs arising from their disability.
Please call 01793 464646 or email clearly stating that you are requesting an assessment of need on behalf of your child on the grounds of disability. It is helpful to provide a brief outline of the impact of your child’s needs to enable Contact Swindon to determine the appropriate level of assessment (defined by the Swindon multi-agency threshold guidance). This will help us decide which service (early help or social care) should make the assessment.
If a statutory assessment is undertaken and unmet needs identified that require further specialist short breaks, an individual package of support will be offered. There is no cost to parents for assessed short break packages.
We recognise that children and young people’s needs may fluctuate over time. Therefore, in order to ensure that disabled children and young people continue to receive the right support at the right time, statutory assessments are undertaken on an annual basis and short break packages are continually reviewed as part of child in need, child protection or child looked after planning.
Please note, in line with Swindon’s Personal Budget Policy, if your child is eligible for short breaks, then you can choose to take a personal budget instead of, or as part of, their short breaks package. Personal budgets enable parents and carers to make their own arrangements for short breaks. Many families in Swindon choose to take a direct payment (a type of personal budget) to employ a worker to support their child to access social and leisure activities in the community or to provide domiciliary care. Personal budgets are reviewed in line with the frequencies stated above.