Contractors parking permits

These permits are often called builders permits. They allow contractors or builders to use a resident parking bay on a temporary basis while carrying out work. 

They are weekly permits that can be used Monday to Saturday from 8.00am until 5.30pm.

Contractors parking permits are digital. You don't need to display anything in your vehicle and your permit will be active straight after your application has been approved and paid for.

You can apply for and manage your permit online.

How to apply

To apply for a contractors permit, you will need to provide:

  • confirmation of the contracted work on letter headed paper. The date of the letter should be no earlier than two months before the application
  • the address where work is being carried out
  • the expected duration of work
  • payment by credit or debit card

The registration process will ask for these details to set up an account, and a PIN will be sent to you by email or SMS so you can login to your newly created account.

If you experience difficulties with registering, please contact MiPermit on 0345 520 7007.

If you cannot have a digital permit, contact customer services or email

Apply for contractors parking permits

Using and managing your permit

To manage or make changes to your permit: 

  • login to the MiPermit portal with your PIN
  • select 'Manage permits' from the menu
  • edit, cancel and renew your permit as required


Each permit costs £17.90 per week.

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