White Hart Junction is a key gateway into Swindon, connecting the A420 with the A419. The new slip road provides a safer and quicker connection to the M4 and A419.
- Time: October 2019 (railway) and summer 2020 (carriageway) to May 2022 (whole scheme completed)
- Cost: £30.3m - With external funding awarded from the Department of Transport (DfT) and Local Growth Fund (LGF)
- Contractor: Octavius (previously known as Osborne infrastructure ltd)
- Traffic signals were added at the White Hart roundabout as well as a new northbound slip road on to the A419. This replaced the old slip road on Merlin Way which was not up to current design standards and did not give heavy good vehicles sufficient time to match their speed with vehicles on the A419. A new bridge over the railway was built to accommodate this.
- The southbound slip road from the A419 on to the White Hart roundabout was widened
- The entry point off White Hart junction on to Ermin Street was closed and replaced with a new section of road and priority junction off Oxford Road. There is now an increase in the number of lanes on the roundabout and the existing footbridge was retained.
- A newly resurfaced roundabout
- A new allotment for residents
White Hart Junction plan

Major improvement works to the Greenbridge roundabout junction were carried out as part of the programme to improve the routes into the town to keep pace with the future development of the NEV.
- Time: April 2016 to February 2017
- Cost: £5.3m
- Contractor: Wills Brothers
- More lanes were added to the roundabout
- Entry and exit routes were widened
- Traffic signals were installed on all approaches
- Additional pedestrian and cycle crossings were included
- A new exit from the Greenbridge retail park to reduce traffic on the roundabout was installed
Greenbridge roundabout plan

As part of the Great Western Railway electrification project and in partnership with the Council, Network Rail replaced two pedestrian level crossings near the village of South Marston with a single new footbridge.
A new public footpath has also been created along the northern side of the railway to link both footpaths to the new bridge. The new bridge opened to pedestrians in early 2018.
Whilst the current setting for the bridge is rural in nature, land to the north of the railway forms part of the New Eastern Villages development (NEV). This bridge forms a key route for pedestrians and cyclists passing from the northern part of the NEV development to the NEV developments, south of the A420. This bridge will become an important link because the southern villages of the NEV will contain the bulk of community facilities, including: health, employment, retail and secondary education provision.
In line with housing build-out, we intend for Equality Act compliant ramps to be constructed. An initial feasibility study has been undertaken for these ramps and high level design options will be consulted on in due course.