Contact us about a service
If you are unable to make enquiries via the website or by telephone, you can access council services at our five core libraries where our multi-skilled library staff can support you.
If you can't find an option here you can:
- pay for something online
- apply for something online
- report something online
- view the A to Z of services
- search the site using the search bar
- contact us another way
Which service do you want to contact us about?
Select a service from the dropdown menu to get started.
Okay, what are you looking to do?
You can do this online, using our missed collection form.
Great, you can do this online, using our garden waste subscription form.
Great, you can do this online, using our garden waste enquiry form.
Great, you can do this online, using our replacement waste container request form.
Great, you can do this online, using our bulky waste collection form.
Great, you can do this online, using our clinical waste collection form.
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Great, you can do this online, using our benefits application form.
Great, you can do this online, using our change in circumstances form.
Great, you can find out more on our webpage: Benefit Cap
Great, you can do this online, using our discretionary housing payments form.
Great, you can do this online, using our emergency assistance fund form.
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Great, you can do this online, using our Council Tax payment form. You might also think about paying your Council Tax by Direct Debit.
Sure, you can do this online, using our Council Tax balance checker.
Great, you can do this online, using our Council Tax moving home form.
Great, you can do this online, using our benefits application form to access this service.
Great, you can do this online, using our Council Tax discount application form.
Great, you can find more on our webpage: Council Tax exemptions.
Great, you can request a housing repair online.
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Great, you can do this online, using our council rent payment form.
Great, you can do this online through your 'My Housing Tenancy' account.
Great, you can do this online through your 'My Housing Tenancy' account.
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Great, you can do this online, using our report fly-tipping form.
Great, you can do this online, using our report graffiti form.
Great, you can do this online, using our report a full or damaged bin form.
Great, you can do this online, using our report a dirty street or land form.
You can do this online, using our report a dead animal form.
Okay, you can do this online using our report a noise disturbance form.
Okay, find the service you need at our environmental problems homepage.
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Great, you can do this online, using our report a pothole form.
Great, you can do this online, using our report pavement damage form.
Great, you can do this online, using our report a faulty streetlight form.
Great, you can do this online, using our report a faulty traffic signal form.
Great, you can do this online, using our report a problem with a road sign form.
Great, you can do this online, using our report missing, faded, or illegal road markings form.
Okay, find the service you need at our road safety, maintenance and repairs homepage.
Okay, which of these do you want to contact us about?
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Great, you can make an appointment online, using our register a birth appointment form.
Find out how to do this on our webpage: Re-register a birth
Find out how to do this on our webpage: Arrange a naming ceremony
Great, you can do this online, using our get a copy certificate form.
Great, you can find out how to do this on our webpage: Arrange a marriage or civil partnership
Great, you can find out more on our webpage: Weddings
Great, you can find out how to do this on our webpage: Renewing your wedding vows
Great, you can do this online, using our buy a copy certificate form.
Okay, find what you want to do on our marriages and civil partnerships homepage.
Find out how to do this on our webpage: Register a death
Find out how to do this on our webpage: Registering a stillbirth
Find out more on our webpages:
Great, you can do this online, using our get a copy certificate form.
Okay, find what you want to do on our death and bereavement homepage.
Okay, what are you looking to do?
You can do this online, using our pay a Penalty Charge Notice form.
You can do this online, using our challenge a penalty notice form.
You can do this online, using our parking permits form.
You can do this online, using our Blue Badge parking permit application form.
Okay, find what you want to do on our roads, parking and transport homepage.
Okay, what are you looking to do?
Great, you can find out more on our webpage: Planning and building control..
Great, you can find out more on our webpage: Building control.
Great, you can do this online, using our concessionary bus pass and travel vouchers form.
To contact a local library, look it up in our directory of Swindon libraries.
For enquiries that cannot be done via the website or by telephone, customers can access council services at our five core libraries where our multi-skilled library staff can support with:
- Blue Badge and Concessionary Travel applications and renewals
- Help to get started with one of our self-service touchscreen online applications such as pay your rent, bid for council housing, request a housing repair, apply for resident parking permits and many more
- Sign-posting to other services where residents have specific enquiries
- 1:1 appointments for residents who may need specific help to complete an application
- Copy and scanning facilities (Benefit or Council Tax evidence)
Okay, which service do you wish to contact?
To apply for a place, visit our primary school admissions form.
To apply for a place, visit our secondary school admissions form.
Okay, find what you want to do on our school places and admissions homepage.
To access this service, first visit our school admission appeals webpage.
You can do this online, using our Freedom of Information request form.
You can do this online, using our complaints, compliments and feedback forms.
If you can't find an option here, you can either:
- search the site using the search bar at the top of the page
- contact us another way
Okay, which service do you wish to contact?
To access this service, first visit this webpage: Find out about safeguarding adults
Contacting a Social Worker – If you know the social workers name, call our contact centre on 01793 445500 and our phone automation will put you through directly.
To access this service, first visit this webpage: Children and young people