Slimming World offer

We have partnered with Slimming World to offer a free 12-week weight management programme for eligible residents. The programme is designed to help you reach your goals in a supportive and positive environment.

What you can expect

Slimming World uses a food optimising eating plan, which is based around satisfying your appetite with healthy everyday foods. It is a long-term plan, and focus is on healthy choices to support on-going success.

Each referral is assessed for suitability. Once your referral is allocated to the service, a Live Well team member will be in touch to discuss the next steps and any questions you may have.

Slimming World offer flexible and accessible group sessions that run six days a week, mornings and evenings. You can find your local group via the Slimming World website.

As well as the support of a consultant who’s been a member themselves and a group full of friends, you’ll have free access to Slimming World’s members-only website and app to help you stay motivated and on track between groups.


Slimming World vouchers are available to individuals who:

  • have a BMI above 30 (or above 25 for individuals from certain groups)
  • are receiving means tested benefits
  • are motivated and ready to make a positive behaviour change, and
  • actively participate in the programme
  • have not received vouchers within the past year
  • consent to their data to be shared with Live Well and Slimming World (to measure programme effectiveness)
  • are not currently pregnant
  • live in Swindon
  • are aged 16 or older

Accessing the service

If you are eligible and interested in receiving Slimming World vouchers, complete our online referral.

Alternatively, contact us for further information.

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