Integrated transport schemes

The local cycling and walking infrastructure plan

A Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) represents a strategic approach by government to identify improvements for cycling and walking networks that are needed in a specified area over a long-term period, typically ten years.

Whilst the preparation of a LCWIP is not mandatory, in order to be eligible for future funding opportunities, primarily from government and also informing discussions with developers, we need to be clear on our priorities for future cycling and walking schemes. The LCWIP represents the principal framework to achieve this and ensures that we are well placed to make the case for future investment.

The Swindon LCWIP, which is formally adopted, sets out an initial pool of 23 high quality infrastructure schemes to improve and increase usage of the strategic network in the borough. This includes identifying corridors for improving the provision across Swindon town centre, links to the expansion areas as well as communities in the rural-urban-periphery, principally Highworth and Wroughton. There are also cross-boundary connections to settlements in neighbouring local authorities.

The LCWIP is referenced in the Swindon Plan, with the plan highlighting "our aspiration is to implement the LCWIP and create a comprehensive network of safe and convenient routes throughout the Borough."

The LCWIP contributes towards two of three missions of the Swindon Plan:

  • Build a Better Swindon:
    • Keep Swindon moving: Enhance active travel
  • Build a Greener Swindon:
    • Greener planning and transport: Enable a lower carbon Swindon through planning and travel

A public consultation on the draft Swindon LCWIP was undertaken for an eight week period in August and September 2021, attracting over 125 responses. Publicity to raise awareness of this consultation involved emails to key stakeholders and postings on our communications channels, including the Highways News newsletter and social media platforms.

A number of themes and issues were highlighted in the consultation responses. This included amendments to the objectives and further commentary on the function the local canal network has in enabling journeys by foot and cycle now and in the future.

The suggestions for additional infrastructure enhancements were reviewed and where appropriate, have been included within the scope of the relevant scheme profiles.

The documents are available to download below:

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